Our Story,
Our Mission
Our History
We are proud of the contributions of each and every one of our administrators over the years, for truly we stand on the shoulders of our leaders of the past. We remain a school that reflects the needs, values, and most of all, the support of our community.


Our Values
Foundational Beliefs
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. Wal ‘Asr. Innal insaana la fi khusr. Illallazhina aamanu, wa ‘amilus saalihhat, wa tawaasaw bil haqqi wa tawaasau bis sabr.
With the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful. I swear by Time. No doubt man is in a state of loss. Except for those who believed, and did the small good deeds, and bound each other to the truth, and bound each other to patience.
— Quran, Surah al Asr

What We Offer

Holistic Education
We integrate Islamic studies with a strong foundation in core subjects like Science, Language Arts, and Mathematics.

Character Development
We cultivate essential Islamic values like compassion, honesty, and respect within our students.

Enriched Learning
We offer engaging programs that spark curiosity and a love for learning.